Wednesday, 15 October 2008

freebie for you!!

Hi there,
Congratulations to Rosemary and Heather!
They have each won a packet of rub-on's!!
Tomorrow I will be giving away something else just to finish the week on a high....its valued at over $20.00 and are divine!!! So get ready for a big day!!


Anonymous said...

I'm leaving a comment but at this hour I don't have much to say. Hope Peter had a wonderful day yesterday. It has been 10 years today since I lost my baby, Gabriel, so long ago but feels like just yesterday. Anyway, the sun is shining, I have no washing to do guess I will just go scrap book till I have to go to work. Rosemary.

Heddie said...

I am so sorry for your loss Rosemary. They say time heals but I think it only softens the pain. It is a sad day for me as well, we have just recieved news that little Zoe has lost her fight to cancer, she was only 7 weeks old.
Sorry Pete I missed your Birthday, I did have the best intentions- that's what happens when you get to my age- can't remember a thing..

Anonymous said...

Heather, I am so sorry. I do wonder what the plan is when someone is taken so young and in such a terrible way. I light a candle on the 15th of the month for my dad and on the 16th for Gabriel so I shall light a candle for Zoe today too. My thoughts are with you and your family. Rosemary.

Kathie said...

Dear Heather and Rosemary.
My heart just goes out for both of you in your loss. I have never lost a child as such, I imagine the intentsity of feelings would be shocking.....I do believe that time somehow softens that pain, but nothing really erases that pain permenantaly. My prayer for both of you is that you would (physically) feel the arms of Jesus around you, holding you close as you both go through this day. Also that you would be filled with a sense of peace so that you are both able to do what you need to.
Love Kathie

Anonymous said...

Geez Kath, your words made me cry. Thank you, I think. Didn't want to do that today. Must need it. I will stomp on it I think. But, really, thanks Kath. You truely are a special person.

Heddie said...

Thank you Rosemary for your kind words and for lighting a candle for Zoe, she was my goddaughters first and long awaited for child.
Thank you Kathie for holding my hand today, I know we are miles apart but your presence is very near and much appreciated.
Love Heather