Thursday, 27 November 2008


WOW!! We have just had a massive storm go through here. I live on a hill in Seymour and I thought we were going to lose the roof at one stage. The winds were so high that it has smashed the foliage on my 2 Powtons in front yard, it was combined with driving hail and rain as well! There is ice piled up against the fences and on the girls trampoline. The noise was intense, totally amazing!! A friend of mine lives a few miles out of town and they hardly had anything at all!! The photos show the main road where we live and the houses on the low side opposite us, you can see the amount of water its incredible. The drivers soon found out that you had to slow right down to a crawl to get through the water. On the bright side, our tank is full and the garden got a fantastic watering!! Oh boy so did the lawns, out with the mower again!! I took these photos while standing on my veranda


Heddie said...

Wow! Kathie that rain certainly came down, we are watching the clouds come over the hills and are having a few large drops on the roof as I type (I do mean just a few.
Take care on the roads everyone. See you Friday night.
Love Heather

Melita said...

Wow!! I thought we had it bad here - nothing compared to you guys!