Hi Ladies!!
Here are my girls with their new bikes! Over 2 days they have learnt to ride confidently and with only Angela having a fall that resulted in skin off the hands!! Not bad for kids that haven't had 2 wheeler bikes before......
Would you like to win a cool prize pack girls???
Tell me a story about, either your kids learning to ride a bike or you or somebody that you know! Make it short I have something special for this prize :-))
Tylers physiotherapist brought around a 3 wheeler for him. He had to have on his AFO's and arm bands to keep his arms straight and off he went. He got so good that when we went to the park and he was riding in the empty pool he tipped himself over! Picked him up, off he went and did it again! We went home after that, my heart couldn't cope with any more. Sadly, he outgrew that bike. Rosemary. He ended up with the cutest bikers tush I had ever seen.
Wow the girls are doing great....you must be one real proud mum
luv Lexie oxo
PS there is a little something for you on my blog
Haylee got her first little bike for her last birhtday and loves it! On teh first day she was pedalling her little heart out - and getting nowhere! She'd gotten it a little off balance so that one of the training wheels was wonky and she just spun on the spot lol Bless her heart though, she did not give up!
Hi Kathie,
Way to go girls. You are both doing a great job.
When my grandson was learning to ride his bike he had trainer wheels on and found the only puddle in the whole yard. He managed to balance over the puddle and spin the back wheel- can you imagine the water spray. Too cute to be cross, had water and mud everywhere!! Wish I had my camera out that day.
Two wheeler bikes!!! Lucky girls!!
Hope you had a great christmas Kathie xx
I only just realised that my 2.5yr old DS can ride a bike...LOL....he learnt at day care and just hopped on his cousins and started peddling....Im such a bad MUM for not knowing...LOL
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