Monday 15 June 2009

Good evening/morning everybody!! Or freebies to give away

are you still reading???................

Hi there to my blogging friends!!
Well guess what?? I have some stuff to giveaway!! No surprises there right..... So to be in the running to receive a BIG mystery pack, tell me a story anything that you like but funny or sad, encouraging, happy or about your family!! Now if you are from overseas you are welcome to enter!! So hop to it ladies!!!


Shimano (aka Christine) said...

Hi Kathie,
Haven't popped in for a while so tonight I'm doing the rounds of blogs.
That is so special what you are doing and good luck to all that enter.

lexie said...

hi Kathie thought I would pop in and say hi.....hope you are all well wishing you a wonderful week...oxo

LG said...

Oh im always excited to win any prize from you Kathie!

My story is about my last visit to the post office when i picked up the package you sent me.

I am a regular visitor of the post office lately and my husband usually does the pick up for me. For that particular day, i went with him and we brought cupcakes to the post office ladies because they are so kind and they treat us well when we are there. for that particular day, i was expecting to receive goodies from you when the post office lady called me and said it came from Australia. But darlin, i was not expecting to receive a big package of goodies.

I immediately openned the package right there and I shouted because of excitement. All the people looked at me because they thought it was some bomb or something. i apologized and just said that its just a gift from a great friend.

my jaw was dropped down the whole time and I kept saying "WOW" from the post office until I got home. my DH thought I was crazy



Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh U know I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stories...and here is a FUNNY ONE! :):):):):)

Before I moved into my house, I lived as a single Mom with my son in an apartment...well, right next to the apartment complex was a 7-Eleven store (don't know if they have those there...they are like a convenience
store)...and one Sunday we decided to walk over there and get a Sunday Newspaper....welllllllllllll I thought, I know I'm not gonna need my wallet/purse because I'm just getting the newspaper....soooooooo I only took enough cash with me to get it.....soooooooooooooooo on the way there (now, picture this...we are OUTSIDE walking...LOL) and my son (at the time...he was only 4!!) says to me, "Mama, we are outside, can I yell something????".......I say, "SURE! We are outside...U can use your outside voice and yell if U want!!!"...............without missing a BEAT...he YELLS at the top of his LUNGS....(Are U ready for this????!!!!????)............."HELP!!!!!!"....

Seriously?!?!?!? Are U kidding me???? I am OUTSIDE in an apartment complex, with only $2.00 on ID, NO wallet, NO photo of my SON to PROVE he is mine...and he YELLS "HELP!!"...I could have DIED!!! I was like........"WHOA!!!! Adam....U can't say that!!!" LOL LOL LOL LOL...needless to say...I was FREAKED out the whole way to the store and back thinking SOMEONE might have heard him!!!!! We had a little speech once we got home...about what he CAN YELL OUTDOORS!!! LOL LOL LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Kathie said...

Julie you just crack me up sunshine!! Yes we do have 7/11 stores here..

Melita said...

Oh you are such a generous soul Miss Kathie!

My story is one of joy (for me anyway)...

I am a bookworm. Cannot get enough of it- romance, thriller, mysteries, you name it, i'll read it. But I've always been the only one in my family and circle of friends like that. Until recently.

I am a HUGE twilight fan and own all the books. Read them numerous times, lots of dogeared pages lol A couple of weeks ago I walked into the loungeroom to discover that my partner had picked up the first book and was reading it for himself! This was a HUGE deal as Cam simply He said he'd had enough of just hearing about the story and wanted to be able to discuss it with me properly! He has now read the entire series and it has resulted in many long conversations discussing the characters, plot etc. Time with just the two of us relaxing and talking about something we both enjoy.

I love him for it. It may not seem like much, but for him to do something so out of the ordinary just so that we can spend time talking together was just wonderful.

I'm not a big gesture kinda gal, so this really hit the spot for me. I'm reminded of a little ditty I once read:

A rose can say I love you
A lily can enthrall
But a weed boquet in a chubby fist?
Oh my, that says it all!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Thanks Kathie!!! And Lita....can I just say that I AM A HUGE TWILIGHT fan!?!?!?!?!?! Read each book like 8 times each and have seen the MOVIE a gazillion times! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

Kathie said...

Twilight??? Sorry gals, must need an education here..... Oh my I am touched by what your husband has done Lita, that is exceptional really.

Shelley said...

no Kathie, you and I are two busy scrapping and on the computer to worry about the tv. hehehe Oh yeah, and running around after everyone else :)

Thinking of my story, be back later... no I got one. It's sad kinda, but it makes me smile so don't be sad!!!!

A week or so after my dad passed away, DS 2 1/2 at the time asked me whilst driving past the hospital "Mummy, how did pa get from there - pointing to the balcony in the hospital - up into heaven? Did god throw down a big ladder for pa to climb up?". I was startled at first but it is a moment I will remember forever. Bless our babes that help get us through those times.

Lisa said...

A story...hmmmmm, I ALWAYS have stories....until I need one! LOL! How about this one.

Morgan, my soon to be step-daughter, was only 8 at the time. She is such a cutie, but also ever the sly one. Her dad, my fiance (guess you knew that) is a salesman and I believe she has learned a thing or two from him about working a situation. So....

It was a few years ago on a hot sunny day. The bells of the ice cream truck suddenly broke through the low sounds coming from the TV, interupting the adults' Sunday afternoon nap. Of course, Morgan races through the door begging for money to buy a frozen treat. To Keith's credit, he denied her request as she had already consumed enough sugar that day. Being the insistent 8 year old, she pouted and pleaded adding how unfair it would be for her to be without while her friend Claire was enjoying an ice cream. Keith responded by telling Morgan to either go play with Claire, without a treat or to just go to her room. Realizing she only had one card left to play, Morgan crossed her arms, stuck out her lower lip...and I think she succeeded in making it quiver a bit...and turned to go upstairs. And here is where Keith made his mistake. He asked why she would want to sit in her room when her friend was outside waiting for her. Seeing this opening, Morgan, in her most hurt-filled voice, said it was better to sit all alone than have to watch someone else enjoy something she wanted so badly. Keith caved. He told Morgan to grab his wallet and off she went.

Ready for the good part? I sat watching all this with a knowing grin. As soon as Morgan left, I calmly and quietly turned to Keith and said, "Hey, Handsome. You've just been played. Morgan hasn't been playing with Claire today. Remember, Claire is out of town." His response...cannot be typed on a G-rated blog! LOL!

Morgan quickly returned licking away at her ice cream cone. Keith mustered up some calm and asked Morgan what flavor of ice cream Claire purchased. Having let down her guard, her eyes became as wide as saucers. She paused and then very feebly said, "I thought that was Claire."

So there you have it! The first story that came to mind. Thanks for such a fun game. It's such fun reading everyone's tales! :)

Melita said...

Oh Kathie, I need to introduce you to Twilight! You are missing out! lol

Great stories ladies!

vicmbee said...

great stories ..... I'm not much of a story teller just wanted to say thanks I got the challenge pack yesterday hope to have it done over the weekend ready for its return......

Kristii said...

Hi Kathie!!! I am definitely no story teller, but I have enjoyed reading through everyone's stories!! I just stopped by to say I am thinking of you!! Have a great day!!

Daniella said...

Hi!! Just checking in to say HI!! I am too tired to tell you a story. If you read my blog, you would see, I had a crazy week last week, and I told 2 stories!!
Hope to chat soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Kath, I don not think Twilight would be up you alley lovey, vampires and all that, even though it is a love story. But as always, it is your decision to view or not to view, that is the question.
I have something unique to my household to tell. My old cat Hidie used to meow like she was saying "mum". This morning my black cat, Isadora Duncan meowed not once, not twice but about 10 times "hallo". I listened to her, she was calling for us. There is no doubt it was definately "hallo". Once I said "hallo Isadora" she stopped. Then as I was getting ready to go to work she looked at the bowl of water, put her right front paw in and played with the water before licking her paw and then did the same with her left front paw!!!!! I have had a close relationships with cats for years now and these 2 things are new and unique to me. Isadora came to us by pure chance and I am just so thankfull I am sharing these experiences with her and my children. All the best everyone. Rosemary.

Heddie said...

Hi Kathie,
I have to say that I am with Rosie on this one- you are definately not the Twlight type...mind you I love a good tale with a bit of spooks ville thrown in. LOL ahh I am a bit short on stories, and I am not sure if I have told this one but here goes. Almost 12 months ago, my brother needed to have some surgery, we had to travel to Seymour to see the Dr. and low and behold on the desk top was a pink colourful card that said ScraphappyKat. Well I started to pick at the card as I waited for the receptionist, when she came I asked if she had another card. Unfortunately Hayley was not working and she told me to take that one and it could be replaced... I rang the next week, discussed options for holding classes at the day centre where I work and the rest as they say if the classics IS HISTORY... I now have a wonderful pastime that I can share with my girls, entertain my sons and delight my friends with hand made gifts. Not to mention of course special friendships with special people...

Anonymous said...

Good Evening Kathie
As you may or may not know I have planned very big trip overseas to Aberdeen in Scotland in Sept to visit my brother david whom is working over there at the moment .. fast approching,only 4 month's to go now!!!
I'm getting very excited with each passing day it get's closer to my departure date a 23 hour's total flight time which will be a wonderful holiday with lpve from kazza26_2008

Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

HI Kathy! Wow another giveaway.The girls stories are really amazing but I just wanna share you this one..

I am a girl who can never live without my Yellow know the common mosquito net..yes thats what I am referring to! Since I was 6 years old, I started this habit and I just realized that I cant do anything without my net.The odd part is I just use the net on my feet(rub it with my feet). I bring it everywhere as in everywhere..the only place I don't use my net is on toilet and bathroom..the rest,you will see me having a yellow net covering my feet,actually I have it at the!

My dad was so mad at me as he hated how I had this attitude. I remember one time when he was so mad because he found out the yellow net under our dinner table and asked me to put it away as we were eating..and of course I said, I wont eat..rather I couldnt eat without it..hehehhe! Imagine the reaction of my dad..I cant even sleep without eat.Plus,me and my net were together on a lot of sleepover to my friends,camping at school and many barbecue parties we had here in Japan.

Now,I am married,my DH complains every time my net rub against his skin since its too itchy for other people..I had received a lot of insults,jokes and complaints regarding my Net syndrome,lol! Yet I didn't give up..heheh! Its what I like and love so I will continue to do it until I die I think..Now I cant wait what would be the reaction of my future children.

Sorry for the boring story.Thanks for reading.hugs!

chrisw said...

Just thought i'd share my new layout with you all,You can see it here