Monday, 28 September 2009


The winner of the Lilac Avenue papers is...........................................
..............................................wait for it................
Peter has just pulled your name out of the ice cream bucket!!! Thank you girls for playing along with us!!! We have enjoyed being able to give you some of the coolest papers around!!! Keep your eyes open as we will have more giveaways soon!!!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

CONGRATS CASS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kat, you lovely generous lady you, always keeping the masses entertained and giving away something, you are gorgeous!!! Congrats Cass!!!!!

Cassie's Creations said...

Hi Kath,
Thanks so much for giving me tyhe chance 2 win these awesome papers & thanks Pete for pulling my name out...
Thanks Julie & Tiff for the congrats

Angela said...

Yahooo! Congrats Cass!!!!

Have fun with them:)

Angela said...

Yahooo! Congrats Cass!!!!

Have fun with them:)

CreativeMe68 said...

Congrats Cass....I so envy you!!! Have fun playing with them
Can't wait to buy them Luv Shaz xoxo

Vicki said...

Congrats Cass!! Have fun with those pp!! They are my favourite!!:)

Sue Plumb said...

Congrats Cass, I'm sure you will have fun with your gorgeous new papers!

Marelize said...

Congratulations Cass! Enjoy using those lovely papers!

chrisw said...

congratulations cass!