Saturday, 17 October 2009


Hi everybody,
Just introducing you all to our newest grandson Blake!! Congratulations to Rob & Elisha!! So glad that all is well!
Love Kathie


vicmbee said...

congratulations... he is precious

Vicky said...

Congratulations on your 6th grandson, he`s a cutie :)

Sue Plumb said...

Congrats Kathie (and family)! Glad to hear all is well that Blake is finally home. (He is sooooo cute, I'm clucking away here!) You must be one very proud Nanny!

Chic said...

How Cute....I bet you love to snuggle him!! Its always good though when you can hand them back to mummy so you get a full nights sleep ha ha ha. Unfortunatley Im still that person ha ha ha. Im glad Mum and baby are doing well. xoxo

Mimi said...

Congratulations Kathie!
The best for Blake and all of his family!
Kisses from Argentine, Mimi.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww CONGRATS Nana Kathie!!! He is BEAUTIFUL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

jacque4u2c said...

What a sweetie!!! Congratulations!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats sweet pictures.
bye bye,lean.

CreativeMe68 said...

Congrats to you Kathie on your beautiful Grandson Blake! Congrats also to Rob & Elisha. Luv Shaz xoxo

Tracey said...

Congratulations Kathie on your new Grandson Blake. He is gorgeous! Thanks for aharing these special pics :)

Rita Barakat said...

Awww! Congrats- he is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kathie,
Thanks for borrowing all the photos off my facebook page lol :-)
Hope you enjoy seeing him today.
Love Elisha

Anonymous said...

Love the name Blake, such a lovely name. Can he be called BJ for short? What a lucky family you all are. Hugs and kisses for you all, Rosemary. Kath can I come for Pink Ribbon night?

Anthea said...

Awww - he is just beautiful Kathie - no wonder you are clucky again. Thanks for sharing! Hugs.

Anonymous said...

lol kathy u theif lol
hes so handsome
omg has mimi left??

chrisw said...

congratulations!how wonderful!