Sunday, 4 October 2009

Winner of the Belle papers is........................

..........MANDY J..........
Congratulations to you Mandy!!! Please send me your address via the email addy on blog sidebar!!! Thanks Ashleigh for pulling her out of the ice cream bucket!!! Thank you for joining in, keep your eyes peeled as we often have a giveaway for you!!!


Vicki said...

Congrats Mandy!! You lucky girl!! :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

CONGRATS Mandy! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!!!! Thank you so much Kathie! I want to jump around but my knee is still too sore! It is very kind and generous of you to have these spot prizes for people to win, you're such a sweetie! You have made me extremely happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

MandyJ xxxx

Sue Plumb said...

Congrats Mandy, I'm sure you will enjoy those gorgeous papers!

Kathie said...

She may have to share with you Hey Sue!!!!!