Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Okay the first winning comment is below....sorry girls but who could ignore their son and a post like this one????

Anonymous said...I'm pretty sure its that I'm awesome
and u love me and that makes all your dreams
come true when i visit!!!-Daniel
Wed Jun 16, 02:09:00 PM 2010

Now then we are a little disappointed that we still can't reveal our big secret....this is taking forever and its a pain.....but we are still really really excited and can hardly wait to let you know what it is!!! :D

Winner from the Wheeeeeeeeeee had a good weekend post (see always leave a comment, as you don't know when I give away a RAK) is Tanya!! Please send me you addy Tan and I'll have a scrappy prize sent your way!! :D
Have a great day girls/guys


Nikki said...

Dont worry Kath hopefully not long now......

lexie said...

Congatz to the prize winners....just as well I'm not a cat on a hot tin roof cos I would be well and truly fried by now!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol danny