Well we have one sick Ida...me not feeling great....Micah (2yo boy I babysit) slept most of the day...Gillian at bike training, Angela sitting on the couch watching Babar & Pete about to arrive home from work....does it get better than this??? I might well ask....I have been trying to order some pritt and it seems that most places are out of it....as we are here to!!
Well why am I on here right now? I just thought that you'd like a little pressie to cheer you all up!! :D It such a blue day and lots of us are not feeling up to par lately so lets have a giveaway to cheer you all up shall we!! Just tell us a SUNNY story to cheer us up and make us all laugh....we may give more than 1 prize if the stories are really really really funny or good!!
Kathie & the DT Kittens (who can enter for prizes too!)
Hmmm funny - I'm not that good at that!!! nup... brain fart in progress...
Well my SUNNY story isn't a funny 1 but it goes like this.....
Today i drove to Shep to get my tax done, im sitting there thinking this is sooo not worth it as i only worked 3 weeks lol, but as all the extras got added on (the ones i didnt even know you could claim on!!!) i walked out of the tax shop into the rain with the biggest smile on my face, as i more than trippled what i was going to get!!!!
And i actually got thanked by the tax lady for being happy with what i was getting.
That has made my Day!!!!!
*hugs* to you kathie, hope you are feeling better soon.
My laugh for the day came compliments of 2 year old DD...we had the pest control guys here to spray today and DD was sitting in her high chair eating brekkie when they came. They were spraying around the place and then went into her bedroom. She yelled at them from where she was sitting "Hey! That's MY room!" They both cracked up! LOL
lol... nothing exciting happened today... went to shepp, did some shopping, had a meeting, went to ky did some more shopping, saw my friend and her new baby she had yesterday (so cuuuutee) then came home and had a friend over for dinner.... then 2moroz i have work, friday night an engagment party, saturday night work and my sisters deb ball then sunday arvo work and then straight down to seymour for angela's birthday party!!! so hopefully the weekend is SUNNY!!!
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