Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Rain Rain and more rain :D

Isn't it wonderful??? Rain rain and lots more rain came a tumbling out of the sky yesterday...not so good if you had washing on the has continued to rain pretty much overnight here and looks very grey and threatening this morning too!! Everything smells so fresh, so clean and has the shiny just washed look....the down side....the lawn has turned to mush!! Small price to pay for such lovely weather.....
Lets have a prize today.....if you would like to win a paper pack, just tell us what you think of this beautiful weather!! Like it or hate it, its good for us really...we so needed a really good wet winter this year, we may even have water to spare in our storage systems :D
Kathie & the DT Kittens


Katrina said...

The weather here is totally new to us so we take one day at a time. Back in Tas we're used to the weather patterns and know pretty much how the day will pan out - here - we've no idea!!! It's sunny at the moment but we've been forecast rain so it's a case of wait and see. and when it rains here - oh my gosh it really rains!!! Nothing like we're used to!!!!

I don't mind one bit though - it fills our rain water tank so we can hopefully go through summer without having to switch to town water. It's refreshing and cleansing to the earth and the soul have the rain :) Oh and it's a great excuse to relax in front of the woodfire ;)

BTW I loooove the term DTkittens ;)

Anthea said...

I love this weather....1. It has filled my 22500L water tank, 2. It is perfect stay inside and scrap weather, 3. when you have finished scrapping, it is perfect cuddle up to someone you love weather, 4. it is perfect lets go play football in the mud and get really dirty weather.....OK.....not so fond of that....but DS is.

Have a great day gals.

Katrina said...

hehehe I spoke too soon about the sun - it's raining here now!! Love it!!

lexie said...

and more Rain...
...yes I know we need it but I am soooo not a winter person hate the cold hate the wet
and yes I have a line full of the cloths we use at the market and a house that has been turned into a chinese laundry yet again!!!! so over it
Sorry Kathie but I don't find anything wonderful!!!! about it atm

Think I might turn into a Bear and join the world again when the warm Spring weather kicks

Nikki said...

ooooooo i love it!!! (if i dont have to be out in the rain all day that is lol) Great excuse to get cosy in my blanky with turtle or steve and excellent weather for scrapping (if the kiddys leave me alone) Well ENJOY this lovely weather because when it hits summer again we'll all be complaining about the heat ROFL!!!

Anonymous said...

well i think BRING IT ON!!! we need lots of rain!!! if it were not for the drought my parents would still be dairy farmers and loving it! So come on give us a lil flood! break the drought!!! stop the suffereing!!!

Aussie TM5 Thermomixer said...

we need the rain, so it is great! We've been getting alot over here too. My grass actually looks more alive :)

Heddie said...

I am with Anthea on this one, love the rain, love winter, love my combustion stove to cook on, and of course can always cuddle up on the couch.....there is also the advantage of hot flushes to keep one warm on such days ROFL xxx:)

Unknown said...

Hmmmm LOVE the rain but hate the cold...give me rain and warmer weather anyday :)
Good Scrapping weather though...stay in where its warm and cosy and scrap your little heart out :)

Chris said...

I love the sound of rain. I love dressing warmly and daggy in trackies and sloppy clothes. Weather like this is great for scrapping.... don't feel guilty staying inside looking for things to do.

Lisa K said...

Sunny here on the Goldie = I even hung clothes on the line!!!

Athenie said...

I love the rain. Especially on days when I need to cry. It's utterly demoralizing to have to cry on a sunny day! So thanks for raining today!

Kathie said...

Oh Anthenie...I hope that your alright (((((((Athenie))))))) just a big hug for you!!

Sue Plumb said...

Well personally I am loving the Qld winter weather at the moment. Yesterday we had about 24 degrees here, it was nice to be in a t-shirt! LOL Today there is a good breeze blowing, so am hoping to get lots of washing dry under these beautiful blue skies! :p

Anonymous said...

ii love 2 stay iin, wiit my babiies iin winter, nothiing better then ruggen n snuggen up tru tru, butttttt ii must addmiitt, ii sooooo h8 the raiin n giive meii 45degreesss heat anyday!!!!!! loviin ur blog scraphappy kathiie!!!! xox llc nd glee xox