We start the home move on Monday...always fun: right guys???? NOT!! Been a bit sick for the last week, seemed better yesterday only to crash today... :( not a good time to be sick.....need to be top of my game this week to pack and finish cooking for the retreat....gggrrrrrrrrr...One good thing yesterday, we got all the washing dry and put away...YAY...I had piles of it hanging around everywhere....yeah you guessed it, we don't own a dryer!! Kitchen tends to look like a laundry at times as we have heaps of clothes on the airer to dry!!
I'm going to give you guys a sneak peek of my LO, just because I love you all....but be warned its going to be tiny!!! Now if you want one, you just need to book into one class for the retreat...even mine!! :D

Thats all you get!! Have a sunny day and rug up warm coz its freezing out there today!!
YAY, now that defines the word peek!!! Got your ATC's last night, love them, they awesome!! Yell out if you want a hand on Monday....I'll bring the ute over if you want a hand. Maybe I could set up for the retreat?? Let me know....
Wow Kathy you definately have a busy week and weekend coming up. All the best for the move. I pray it all goes smoothly and no more illness in the family. Hugs, Mel xxx
woooooooohoooo i love sneaks!!!!
Awww what a terrible time for the 'lurgy' to come visiting!!! I hope you're all feeling better soon and psyched sufficiently to be moved and ready for retreat (not long now!!!)
that peek has me intrigued....could we have just a tiny bit more????
Hope the move goes smoothly and the weather is kind....the thing I love about moving you have a real good clean out!!!
Hope the move goes well, Kathie! I feel so "out of the loop" - haven't been blog hopping like I usually do. Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you are feeling better, you have so much on this W.E. you can't afford to be under the weather...I think this tiny peak re-defines the whole sneak peak idea....how about just a little more..pretty please...:) xxx
Hehe that certainly is a 'sneak'! Hope you are feeling better quickly, certainly no good when you have so much to do :(
love the (hint) kath but you could of made it bigger for me!!! LOL
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