Monday, 18 July 2011

Don't forget.....(pssst and a prize too)

That lovely FNC that Lexie came up with :D wish I had time to do it......
Now how are we all going today?  First day back at school for my kids today....first time ever there was no yelling or fighting in our home as we were getting ready....amazed me!!!!  May it last until they leave home as the peace was beautiful this morning.....
What have you all done I have spent the entire day house working......groan.....its looking good...BUT guess who is going to be down sizing when the retreat is over????  Yep ME!!!!  We have way to much stuff....can't believe that we own so much.....AND I'm over it...finding places for it all is just beyond me at the moment :(
So shall we have a nice little STUFF (scrapping) giveaway today???   Would you like that???  Okay just leave us a comment here to let us know you have dropped by!!!


leeanne said...

How was your day
Today i have been doing some scrap booking.
Probably end up doing some more a little later

Alanna said...

Hmm... I don't exactly need any more "stuff" considering I'm trying to purge atm!! But hand it over ;)

The FNC is on my list for later tonight or tomorrow :) Hopefully I'll get it done :)

Rikki Graziani said...

Hi, its school holidays over in the west, kids have been watching a movie and I am attempting to be inpsired to scrap.

Heddie said...

LOL now that is in writing Kathie :) xxxxx I would be glad to take some of your excess scrapping (STUFF) to add to my ever growing stash...part of my compulsive disorder LOL and I love it.xxxxx

Vicki said...

Howdy, just dropped by to let you know i posted some happy mail to you today! Finally remembered to take it to town with me! lol! Hope you get it soon! :)

Have had some bad news today too, so a little scrappy surprise would be good!! :)

Marelle said...

Hi Kathie, my girls back to school this morn now to clean the house (on just 3hours sleep last night)
off to camp mojo Thursday cannot wait have been waiting a year lol xxx

Melissa Barnicoat said...

Hi all, my day is great so far. Woke up to find my beautiful dog has had puppies so am spending the day checking on her and of course having a few little cuddles :)

Jane said...

I haven't done much scrapping lately - three weeks of school holidays will do that to you so I hope to get back into some very soon. Right now it is cold and miserable here and has just started to rain - think I'll go make a hot chocolate!

linda said...

Always love more "stuff"in my stash,can never have toooooooooooo much,had a busy day working,my first call was 630am :(

Pauly said...

Busy, busy, busy...just for something different!! Haven't scrapped for donkeys! Hopin the retreat kicks mojo in the butt!! Sorry I havent called you back yet. Got another split shift tomorrow, shall try in between shifts. Not long now for the retreat!!