Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Sneak peek #3 Trudi's Saturday Class


Well only a couple of more sleeps to go peeps until the Scraphappy Kat Retreat.

Here is a little peekie at what we will be 'constructing' Saturday afternoon

You will require 2 portrait orientation photos - I have used 3.5 " x 4" and 3" x 3.25"

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon



Kathie said...

Woot woot doesn't that look stunning Miss Trudi!!! Hanging out to see the full reveal of this one....just gorgeous!!!

Kerry said...

This look fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Things that make you go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I am looking at all that cutting out, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Yes its Rosemary.

Heddie said...

Wow that Sneak peak looks gorgeous- wish I was able to be there....I love cutting out :)

lexie said...

Stunning Trudi...really cut that I won't be there to do this one...will be at a wedding

Jane said...

Love those colours Kathie.

linda said...

WOW that looks fabulous

Anthea said...

Looks great Trudie - look forward to meeting you. :D