apparently.......................well now all remember that I said we had ordered the Glitz papers and embellishments? Well the papers finally arrived a week or two ago.........unfortunately the box with all the bits and pieces in it, yes the embellishments, has gone missing......
My question to you is this..............JUST how long do we have to wait for this order AND how many more things could possibly go wrong??? We have had a lot of problems.................
so to win yourself a fantastic prize of a guest DT position
(seeing as the girl that was picked to be our Glitz designer has made it very clear that she doesn't want the position anymore :( )
so even if your on our DT at the moment you can still enter here for a chance to be our guest designer......sound good??
Well just put your name down and leave us a comment and we will draw a winner when our replacement box arrives (next Monday)....thanks so much again to the hard working Kimberly at Glitz for all her help...think I'd have gone round the twist without her help by now.....oh now be nice you lot.....I'm only half way there seriously!!!!
((((((( hugs sweetie )))))))
Things really shouldn't be that hard!
Come on girls and guys out there too it is a fantastic opportunity
O.K I will put my hand up!
I would relish in the chance to be guest designer.
Sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with the product!! Hopefully you have it in your hands soon enough! :)
SSorry also to hear your designer stepped down!
I don't know much about their product but I'm sure it's gorgeous and can't wait to see it! Can you give us some more details about the GD position Kathie? Is is a guest spot, like for one month, or a continual thing? :)
So sorry guys.....the designer that we choose will work with one of the new ranges for this month....THEN we will see how we go....coz if we are having this much trouble all the time, we won't order any matter how good the product is...
Hope that helps!!
Thanks Kathie. Put my name in the hat then :) Have had a peaky of their products online and they look great! :)
Would love, love, love the opportunity to work with the missing that would be a challenge!!!! KIDDDING...not putting the 'moz' on it:):):) Truly, would be awesome fun. BTW Kathie, have you got any hair left at this stage???!!!!
hahahaha its been a bit of a trial alright....we were meant to have the first lot in Jan....the second lot was meant to be here just mid Feb...yep well that really worked didn't it!!!
All good....their sales lady is new box on its way now...will have by Monday at the latest me thinks!!
Ohhh I would love the chance to as it might bring back my mojo.. I have all these gorgeous photos of my family and all the creativity has gone just poof gone...
Ohh Please Please Scrap Fairy bring back my creativity...
Hi Kathie!
I'd love to win a Guest Designer Position :) That would be so much fun! And so sorry to hear about all your troubles, hope everything works out for you:)
Lynn xxx
Sweets hugs I would love to put my hat in the ring honey
Sorry you have had so much trouble xxx
you poor thing....I love Glitz, I stsarted playing with it last year, it's an amazing range of paper and their emblies are awesome as well.. would love to have a crack at designing
Who would thought getting some amazing new products would be so hard....Hang in their Kathie I am sure it will be worth it in the end :)
I would love to be a guest DT member so please add my name to the wanna be's list :)
Keep smilin Kathie :)
Oh this sounds wonderful - I would love the chance to work with some delicious glitz!!! Would love to be considered! Yay!!!
Hope it comes today Kathie!! Stalk that postie, lol. I'll put my hand up too ... Off to google the papers!!
Nope didn't arrive today.....however its in the country according to the UPS shipping site!! SOOOOOO me thinks tomorrow is a distinct possiblity.... :D
Pick me, pick me !!
It'll be worth the wait !!!!
Love glitz !!!
Would love to be GDT, so please pick me :)
Sorry to hear about all the problems you have been having getting your Glitz order.
Them papers yo just put up are so pretty.. Hope they turn up at your house soon and stop causing you to stress..
Vicki xxx
I'll put my hand up for guest DT! Always work better given a challenge!
Pick me, pick me!! :)
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