Thursday, 17 May 2012

Flower giveaway!!

and choose your favourites, come back here and leave us a comment telling us which ones you would like to win.....the chosen person will receive a gorgeous array of our beautiful new flowers/leaves to play with!!!  So what are you waiting for???  Be quick and tell your friends  to come along and have a peek as well! (Get them to say you recommended them & you will get an extra surprise if you win & if they win, you will get a parcel too!)


leeanne said...

The flower id like to win is the roses mini - blush 2 tone they look nice and bright

Narelle Fasulo said...

I love the curly Gardenia's. They would look lovely on a Heritage page.

Leonie said...

The cherry blossoms look gorgeous! :)

Kerry said...

Not fussy like them all.

It's not a story, it"s my life! said...

I love all flowers, to hard to pick just one!

Sharon said...

Hi Kathie, I think this is the 4th time not having much luck tonight. LOL I like all the flowers but if I was forced to choose I would have to say the mini roses but the colour is hard. In real life I love yellow roses but I think I like the pink/white ones for my scrapbook pages.

Take Care

Shannon said...

Hi Kat,
I'd have to say my fave is the two tone Pink or the cream/lilac Cherry blossoms...I just love the softness of them!

linda said...

Hi Kathie,,,I do like the burguandy gardenia's but they are all beautiful & hard to pick out just one

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathie, I love the Mini Roses, especially the Lime Green, they are so cute, its great to use brighter colours and steer away from the usual colours I always find myself going back to. Regards Judy.

Maree said...

I cant pick just one, because they are all gorgeous.. i love using flowers on my pages..

Tina Connolly said...

Those Cherry Blossoms are stunning, but I love ALL the flowers!

Kate said...

oh the large curly cream gardenia is delicious!! beautiful!!

Athenie said...

I have never seen scrapping flowers such as the gardenias! They are GORGEOUS!!!! So beautiful

Marelle said...

Cherry blossoms look fabbbb