Monday, 14 May 2012

Prize Prize Prize time!!!

Want a prize???  I do!!  Oh hang on, I can't have one can I??  But you can: so if you would like something pretty in the mail......please leave us a comment telling us how your Mother's day was or how you made your mum feel special!!
My mum is in hospital after surgery....she is doing her present is being held till she gets home again........BUT I did make her feel loved and special coz I phoned her!!!


Narelle said...

I was blessed to get time on Mother's Day with my hubby's Mum and family for breakfast and my Mum and family for lunch....... and I didnt have to cook anything! Or wash any dishes..... both meals were in restaurants!

Catie said...

I spent Mother's Day with my kids and Mum and Oma (+ Opa whose b'day was the day before) :)

Paula said...

Best wishes to your mum for a speedy recovery...not the best place to spend mothers day! We too are delaying mothers day celebrations till next week...I was sick in bed all day :( though the kids did spoil me with their pressies & homemade cards, love the cards the best! :)

linda said...

I had a wonderful day on saturday my son,daughter-in-law & beautiful grandson came to visit we all went out for lunch,then went to the park & had a play,paddy & i had fun on the seasaw

Kerry said...

I spent the day and also 2 days prior delivering flowers for my daughters florist shop. To see the faces on all the mothers faces was lovely. There was some really shock mums as well.

Lisascrappymum said...

My mum was over from WA so we took her to yum cha lunch. We got her some books, a bath robe and a return flight to sydney :)

Narelle Fasulo said...

I had a lovely Mother's Day for a change. Normally the kids play up all day, but not this year. Got dinner out the night before, breakfast in bed on Sunday, some lovely presents and spent the day at home relaxing with the family.

Athenie said...

Mother's Day started with cards from everyone - the fish, the mice, the dog, the bird that nests in our tree and even the children! We get driven to family where the big boys all cook lunch for us and we always take a Mother's Day family photo!

Theresa said...

I was so blessed to spend the day with my hubby and grandson. it was also nice that my children phoned to wish me a Happy Mother's Day.