Monday, 7 May 2012

Time for a prize draw!!

Hello there lovely are you all??  Would you like a nice prize??  Something pretty??  Well leave us a comment telling us about your day!!  Has it been good, bad or neither?
Chat soon


Shannon Abblitt said...

Hello lovelies! Been a quiet day here... lol as quiet as it can be with three kids! Hoping to get some crafting happening later tonight though!

linda said...

Hello Lovely ladies,, bit on the quiet side here also,but have managed to get lots done,,, cooking,cleaning,washing,ironing,,,, you know the normal stuff,,, when i'm all done it's nice to sit down by the fire & watch the flames Aaaahhhh

Melissa Hortin said...

Hello beautiful people, been an average day here. Stayed at home looking after my sick little girl today. She seems to be a little better after a day of rest. Obviously what she needed. xxx

Danielle said...

Been a fairly nice quiet wintery feeling day here in Perth. Have been out and about with Mr 4 today and just going to have a quiet afternoon as didn't sleep at all last night, but might do a bit of scrapping. It's been a while.

Narelle said...

Busy day at work for me- which was just as well because it meant I didnt have time to dwell on how tired I felt after spending the weekend in Creswick on a Guide camp!!

Narelle Fasulo said...

Been a bit busy today. Had lots of errands to run. Managed to fit in a quick 10 minutes of craft to work on some ATC's. Will get back to them once kids are in bed and hubby goes to work. Love crafting when the house is so quiet and there are no distractions.

Marelle said...

Hi Everyone
I spent today reflecting - May 3rd i have been married for 9 years, and then I looked at my diary and realised on 11th May my darling mum would have been 98 this year
I lost her in 1979 when I was only 23 and she was 65
Nothing ever replaces your Mum

Catie said...

ooh pretties! Love pretties. Have had a relatively productive day today, and plenty more to do tonight! Never-ending isn't it?! :)

Lizzy Hill said...

Today? Couple of hair trims to lady is onto hip replacement #4 and couldn't get to her usual hairdressers...I don't do much hairdressing anymore, but it feels good to help out once in a while...& getting inky. Just started the ATC cards for this month!!!!

Athenie said...

School closed today so spent the morning with a bunch of oysgirls watching The Lorax and then with a bunch of boys watching The Avengers. What a day!!!!

leeanne said...

Hello everyone
I have been busy packing to move house have to be out of this one in three weeks and also trying now to get behide with my school work and work placement so all my scrapbooking has been put on hold at the momment :(

It's not a story, it"s my life! said...

super busy day,inbetween the usual drop offs and pick-ups, Im trying to find everything after moving yesterday, with only 3 days to do it in,making it more difficult is Im unable to bend or lift anything due to bulging disc in my back giving me pain, I can't wait to find my scrapbooking stuff set up my room and play,at the rate Im going it will take forever!

Anonymous said...

Hey Marelle, sorry to hear about your mum, I understand some of what you are feeling. And Sue, don't envy you with your disc, been there done that too. But I have to say with a lot of help from my friends, my room is set up, just waiting to get the time to use it for scrapbooking. All the best, Rosemary.

Lisascrappymum said...

had a great day until my comment got deleted

Kelley said...

Been studying most of the day here!!! And washing!! Wish I had been scrapping!!!!

Kerry said...

Well I'm leaving it to last minute I think. Every day is a lovely day, as long as I can laugh at something.