Wednesday, 2 May 2012

We had an intruder last night :O :O :O

Yes we did and we all freaked out!! all started with one of the girls waking up and patting the "cat" on the bottom bunk bed........rolling over going back to sleep only to awaken a bit later with the "cat" on the end of her bed (came back for more loving me thinks)....THEN all hell breaks loose as the dog decided the "cat" is being a bit to friendly for her liking............oh jumps off bed..........tries to climb cupboard hot on heels..... "cat" scarpers out to craft room and perches on top of my craft table amid all the craft which time Pete finally manages to catch the dog and turn on the light.............Yep there is the "cat" only its not a cat..........nope its a possum!!!!  So for the next half hour we chased it around the house until it decided that the front door option was a good idea.........
Bahahahhaaaaaa time for more sleep!!!

Oh yes that is our plasma he is sitting on
 Yep that is Pete trying to persuade it to leave the house
 yep on the curtain rail trying to escape!!
Hope you enjoyed out little story...........scared the daylights out of us for a bit!!


Narelle said...

LOL! Too funny!!

Cant wait to see that story appearing on a scrap page!

Marelle said...

OH my goodness how did he/she get in Kat??

I agree narelle, what a great scrap page this will make

Vicki said...

What a scary thing to happen. But I notice you thought to get pictures like a good scrapbooker.

lexie said...

This made me laugh reminded me of Chris the cat and the rat!!!

Lizzy Hill said...

Been there, done that, years ago now, though. Hope he hasn't decided your home is HIS home!!!!!! Hope you all get a decent sleep tonight:):):)

Kerry said...

Loved hearing this story. They are great ones to look back on and laugh.

Lizzyc said...

oh I would seriously not be able to go back to sleep after glad you got him outside again!!

Tina Connolly said...

Too funny! At least he was friendly!

fairyrocks said...

Came here by chance this morning. Loved reading this possum tale with my very early morning cuppa. Thanks for the laugh. Love that you have captured your DH in his robe rescuing you all too. Who say's there are no more Knights in shinning robes?
Keep smiling and creating