Friday, 8 March 2013

Would anybody like................................

................................a FNC (Friday night challenge) tonight?  Or are we over them?? Please comment here on the blog and if we get a few we will put one up around 7:00pm tonight!!


Athenie said...

I really love them but not being regular means that I have got out of the habit of putting time aside to get them completed.
They have been good fun. Thanks

leeanne said...

i want to start to get back in to my scrapbooking again its been so long

Kathie said...

Okay girls I will restart them next week......hope it gives you the springboard you need to get back into it Leeanne and you to Athenie

Athenie said...

Thanks Kathie! So cool!

Athenie said...

Are you going to make our day kathie, and give us a challenge?