Wednesday, 17 August 2016

THEY ARE BACK - for a short time only - CHALLENGE PACKS!!!

Who wants a challenge pack????
You have until Saturday the 17th September to get a good quality photo back to us via
So leave us a comment and send your POSTAL address to the above email so we can send you your pack......these are free of charge all we ask is that you send us back a good quality photo of your lovely layout!!
  • the only things you can add are; paints/mists, inks, and cardstock
  • if you accept the challenge and get sent a pack please send us a photo by the due date 
  • remember to have fun :) 
  • sorry no overseas - the postage is way to expensive at the moment


Elisa Ablett said...

I will accept the challenge ! sending you an email K :-)

linda said...

OH Yay they are back put me on the list Kathie, you wonderful lady you xxxxxxx

Candy Chelepy said...

I would like to do this as well I will send you an email....Candy

Rachel Dutko said...

Would love to join the fun! Email sent!

Unknown said...

Id love to join in to these again

Lisa said...

Ooh ooh ooh! Me please!

Lizzyc said...

I would love to try this thank you! Off to email you!

Sarah Rosse said...

Oh yes please! Will send an email through :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to join email sent
Kath p

Shazza said...

I would love to join in, if you have enough. Let me know and I will pm my address to you :)

Bridget said...

Yes please I would love to join the challenge