Saturday, 29 November 2008

Up for a little weekend treat ladies!!

The winner is Heddie!
Of course I am not very keen on GREEN.......
Thanks for joining in and keep an eye out for another prize this coming week!


Melita said...

I'm going to take a stab in the dark...yellow??
Thanks for the chance!

Heddie said...

Mmmm let me see, I know that purple is a favourite so my GUESS would be Green!! this is hard because you also use heaps of PINK... no I will still with my original GREEN...
Love H

kazza26_2008 said...

Hello Kathie
My guess is Orange love kazza

Anonymous said...

okay, known you for a while and I know with out a doubt it is GREEN. Yup, even though you painted your bedroom in greens, it was only to sell. Now you have to live with it. He he he.
Goes so well with pink don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Yes, like me I believe that you are not crash hot on green. And also like me you seem to be using quite a bit of it. I do think that the colour green does look fab in the garden though.

Marelle said...

Hi Kathie
My guess is green - I used to dislike it but I am beginning to use a lot of it on layouts and beginning to like it
and yes it looks fabo with pink !

Heddie said...

Yeah!! thank you very much for the opportunity to win a great prize, of course you know what I would like...
ps I love the new background Kathie.
Have a great week everyone.