Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Wondong fires Marysville fires KingLake fires Yea fires Thank you to all involved.

We would sincerely like to thank the Fire fighters, SES and all other volunteers who have assisted and are assisting our families and friends in all areas of the fires. Your help is just amazing. To our incredible fire fighters we are so thankful to you all for putting your lives on the line for the safety of others and often putting their well being before your own. You have done and are doing a fantastic job and we are positive that your actions have directly helped preserve life and property. To the SES and all other volunteers who are working tirelessly to ensure there is food, medicines and a whole lot of other stuff that is so necessary to peoples well being, THANK YOU. You are all doing a fantastic job with huge hearts. We know that everybody who has visited or is visiting this site is with us when we say a very heartfelt THANK YOU. We are also praying for your safety. A special thanks goes to all who have and are donating also.


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Wowwwwwww....this is a BEAUTIFUL TOUCHING post!!!!!! I agree....thanks to all that are tirelessly helping! :):):):):)

Aussie TM5 Thermomixer said...

Beautiful post Kathie...miss you xx

Kristii said...

Such a beautiful heartfelt post!! Thinking of you today!!