Thursday, 22 July 2010

Power Pritt Gel

Pritt Power Gel Discontinued
We have been informed that Pritt has discontinued their Power Gel line.
A new formula of adhesive has been developed that will serve
as a replacement for all Power Gel uses, and will be arriving at our
warehouse later this year

Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo is it a bit like if its not broke....DON'T try to fix it!!!


Anonymous said...

I know! :( :( :(

Apparently they were having trouble with it drying out in the bottle. Which until this last bottle I hadn't had any trouble with. Seemed as though as soon as I heard that mine dried up lol.
Think it was because I haven't been doing as my OTP stuff as I once was so not going through it as quick really.
Hopefully the replacement is just as good thoguh.

Anonymous said...

see kathie... i thought mine was unusually dry in the bottle... took me ages to get it to come out :(