Tuesday, 27 July 2010

winner from "Today" post

Now the winner is, hand choosen by Miss Gillian,
number 2
Can that lovely person please email us with their address so that we can send out a prize!
Tax time is done, YAY, it was pretty painless really..... Thanks Trevor....we think our taxman is fantastic :)
From next week we will be putting up sneak peeks of the classes for the retreat....we will also start to collect the $120 fee from the girls staying in with us. The classes will need to be booked prior to attending the retreat so you need to email us with the ones (hopefully all of them) that you would like to do. I can tell you that Tracy's class will cost you $25.00 and she is bringing some extra stuff for you guys to buy as well....like glimmer mist and other goodies....
Kathie and the DT Kittens


Katrina said...

Bah - one number too high!!! ROFL

Congrats Becci!!!!

Count me in for all of the classes Kathie :) looking forward to meeting you all :)

Nikki said...

Bah, 1 number too Low!! ROLF

Congrats Becci!!!

Anonymous said...

congrats becci!! oooooo retreat is getting closer and im so excited!!!