Sunday, 21 November 2010

Welcome to our newest team member....

......Welcome aboard Chris!! So glad that you have joined us....please welcome Chris in her role as Challenge pack coordinator also as a new DT member!! Look out for exciting things in the new year....thanks for joining us Chris.....
Scraphappykat team


Kathie said...

Well I'll say a big welcome to the team my dear friend!! Thanks for joining us....
Love always

Anthea said...

Congratulations Chris - can't wait to see what you come up with. :D

Anonymous said...

Welcome Chris and Congrats, can't wiat to see what you come up with

Pauly said...

Woohoo Chris!!! Welcome!!!!!!!!

lexie said...

Yay!!!! glad you joined us..doing a welcoming happy dance here...oxo

Heddie said...

Great news Chris, congrats on joining the DT team. I am sure you will be a most welcome asset to Kathie & the team. :) x

Anonymous said...

Look forward to seeing your creations Chris ... congrats on being part of a fab team