Saturday, 13 November 2010

What is with this weather?????

.....we have the heater on here.....we were in Shepparton earlier today and we started to drive home it began to cool down and now we have the fire burning....thats amazing..last night we had the air conditioner on because we were to hot while we scrapbooked!! Makes no sense at all really....hey but the rain is lovely, so that is one good thing....
Well we have some nice stuff here, so if you would like some, just leave us a message.....maybe you find the weather really strange too!!
Happy Sunday to you all for tomorrow...


Vicki said...

The weather has been crazy here too, warm with mid to high temps one day, then cool, mid teens and rain the next day! :( Can't pick it!! :)

Nikki said...

weather turned crappy just at the right time... gave me an excuse to keep the sick kiddie inside to rest hahahaha

lexie said...

the weather is driving me nuts you get a few nice days and you think at last it's starting to warm up winter clothes can be put away and then it turns to yucky winter again I've had enough of the cold wet weather well and truly ready for summer

Anonymous said...

Yes the weather is a bit silly, i wish it would make up its mind what it wants to do.

Pauly said...

CRAZY WEATHER!!!!!! Sounds the same over, steamy, cold, wet, hot..............dunno what it wants to do...

Jane said...

It was 32 deg here yesterday and this morning at 9am suntime it is already really hot so maybe even hotter in store for us today. This won't last of course, cool change with rain expected tomorrow and then we'll be pulling up the doona and hunting for jackets - can't win really.

Katrina said...

Weird weather here as Vicki said.. I don't like the heat so the cold changes dont bother me at all.. but it's when I can't get the clothes on the line to dry it annoys me grrr...

Chris said...

Weather is not my problem... Time is. Does anyone know where I can get more of that.

Heddie said...

When you find some extra time Chris send a bit my way.LOL
Had 19mls overnight now think I might light the stove!!Hot in Euroa but cooling off up here...