Friday, 2 May 2014

WINNERS are....... & Challenge packs have gone postal

Hi to you all......well its quite wet and cool here in sunny Seymour......not so sunny today......hoping that nobody has the winter blues or whites or any other colour either.........keep your eyes peeled for your challenge packs as we are pretty sure most of you will get them on Monday!!!  Enjoy!!!!

Hoping you all have a lovely weekend........but before we go.....................

the winners from our last "Hello" post are:




was just a random draw- keep your eyes open for our next one (sorry about the time span....sometimes life throws curve balls) If your one of the lovely winning ladies please send us your POSTAL address so we can forward your prize on to you!!!!  Your going to love it....


Heddie said...

Wow, thanks Kathie, my challenge pack arrived today, love the colours, might be a baby girl or wedding LO for this one xxx

Jane said...

Mine is here too - thanks so much. Will get to this shortly.

It's not a story, it"s my life! said...

Hi, lovely surprize pack arrived in the mail for me too, cant wait to play,

Kathie said...

Very welcome ladies :)